ok thats about 2 hours away from me
Posts by l p
4 more sleeps till we fly to Australia !
by Hairyhegoat injust to update you all that we finally fly out to australia from the uk on the 13th.
me and sleeping beauty are getting out of the sinking ship that is the uk!.
will land in sydney on the 15th so will update you all once we get settled in.
4 more sleeps till we fly to Australia !
by Hairyhegoat injust to update you all that we finally fly out to australia from the uk on the 13th.
me and sleeping beauty are getting out of the sinking ship that is the uk!.
will land in sydney on the 15th so will update you all once we get settled in.
l p
what state and city will you be living in?
Im in Sydney
Question on In Vitro fertilization - quote from 12/15/12 WT
by sd-7 in12/15/12 wt p. 15:.
"in a variation that some term 'embryo adoption,' the embryos placed in a wife's womb involve neither her eggs nor her husband's sperm.
in yet another variation, a married couple's eggs and sperm are fertilized outside the womb by ivf.
l p
you know ... the borg always taught that when jesus was nailed to the 'stake' the law of moses or whatever was nailed on the 'stake' too...signifying the end to that law only leaving the law of love to be followed....
so it would then go that reasonings from the OT are not applicable and once again the WTBTS is "going beyond the things written"
Jehovah's Witnesses and restaurant bills
by usualusername indid you ever have the experience of going to a restaurant with witnesses and spending 30mins sorting out the restaurant bill?.
thats something i miss since leaving... .
l p
i think the reason they are like this with money is bec they arent educated people....therefore very poor earners....
Hot of the Press!!! YEARBOOK 2013 :Letter from the Governing Body
by raymond frantz inyearbook 2013 :letter from the governing body.
dear brothers and sisters :our heavenly father,jehovah, is the personification of love.hence the bible states :"god is love".
(1 john 4:8) even though jehovah is almighty ,his word never says ,"god is power" or , "god is might".he bases his rule primarily on love.how this attracts us to him!.
l p
I love your posts Billy! you make me laugh, and so does outlaw
After fading for over a year...I finally cut my ties by posting on my Facebook page
by eyesropen323 ini was 8 when my mom brought us into the jw's.
i am in my late 30's now.
many knew me from school.
l p
Good on you...well said.....and glad you and your family are free
Music Upon Your Exit
by RAYZORBLADE ini know this topic has been touched upon from time to time.
i haven't been on here regularly in many years, but i know what it is like for many; or those that are on their way of exiting the organization.. what songs do you recall or remember during your exodus from the wtbts ??.
i left mentally in the late autumn of 1983; apparently (i don't know officially...but does it really matter?
l p
This was the song that i use to sing heaps
What's in your handbag?
by usualusername inhi people.
in all my life i have only looked in a womans handbag once.
it was close to looking at the arc of the covenant.
l p
2 wallets with cards money receipts etc
baby wipes
nappy bags
sons school work
letters from school or wherever
NSW health policy directives in case i ever need them for work - not sure why i carry it there
tissues used and new
make up
other stuff im not even aware of
may bag is heavy as a brick
l p
Omo front loader
STD increase among senior citizens, AARP reported.
by jam inwth, what is the world coming too.. std diseases are on the increase among seniors in.
retirement communities.
the percent of reported cases,.
l p
Billy - in the land down under I say "just because there is snow on the roof doesn't mean there's not a fire down below!!"